Open a support session - Administrator Guide - 8.5 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR On-prem Documentation

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Open a support session from the VM textual UI menu.

There may be issues related to your Cortex XSOAR deployment that cannot be resolved by the information provided by the log bundles. You can establish a support session with support or engineering to troubleshoot and resolve these issues. Opening a support session temporarily allows the support/engineering person access to your system as a user with elevated permissions in order to troubleshoot or debug issues.

  1. (Optional) Share your screen with the support/engineering person.

  2. From the textual UI menu in your VM, select Support Session.

  3. If the Tenant ID field is not populated, upload the tenant license to Cortex XSOAR and then select Refresh. For more information, see Add the Cortex XSOAR license.

    The Tenant ID displays the tenant license.

  4. Perform secure authentication.

    1. Provide the value from the Challenge field to the support/engineering person who is assigned to help you. They will then provide you with a token.

      Clicking Refresh generates a new challenge.

    2. Enter the token in the Token field and select Submit.

      The support/engineering person now has access to your system in a secure support shell as a user with elevated permissions.

When support/engineering finishes their troubleshooting or debugging activities, they log out of the system. The shell closes and you return to the textual UI menu.