Reports Customization - Administrator Guide - 8 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Overview of Cortex XSOAR reports and how to create and edit reports. Analyze data in PDF, Word, and CSV formats. Upload your own logo.

In the Reports tab, you can do the following:

  • Create a custom report

    When creating a report, what you see is what you get. How you configure the report is how it generates. You can add widgets to a report, change the format, paper size, insert page breaks (by adding the Page Break widget), etc. If you have a table widget that contains many rows, you can select the number of rows on each page or print the whole table (in the table widget, right click and select Force Print full Chart).

    You can add your own logo, by going to Settings & InfoSettingsSystemServer SettingsLogo Configuration and uploading your logo in the Full-size logo field. Reports are generated in PDF or CSV formats.

  • Create a report from a dashboard

    You can create a report from the dashboard as is, or add new widgets as required. You have the same functionality as custom reports, such as format, when to run, orientation, etc. To create a report from the dashboard, click Create report from the gear icon on the dashboard page.

  • Schedule a Report

    You can schedule a report to run specific times, or run the report immediately. You can also send to specific recipients, and restrict the report according to roles.

  • Generate an out-of-the-box report

    Cortex XSOAR comes with out-of-the-box reports, such as critical and high incidents, daily incidents, last 7 days incidents, and so on. You can change the time range for the incidents, the scheduled time and who can receive the report. If you want to make more comprehensive changes to these types of out-of-the-box reports, copy or download (and upload) the report.

  • Edit a report

  • Schedule a report from an incident

    Captures investigation-specific data and shares it with team members. You can customize how the information is displayed for existing incidents.

If reports do not download after you click Run, add your Cortex XSOAR URL to your browser's pop up blocker exceptions. If you encounter problems with reports, see Troubleshoot Reports.