Incident field trigger scripts - Administrator Guide - 8 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Cloud Documentation

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Associate Cortex XSOAR incident fields with scripts that are triggered when the field changes.

Incident fields can be associated with trigger scripts that check for field change conditions and take actions based on the change. These scripts can perform any action, such as dynamically changing the field value, notifying the responder when an incident severity has been changed, or when the conditions are met. For example, the ChangeRemediationSLAOnSevChange script changes the Remediation SLA of an incident, if the severity of the incident changes for any reason.

Scripts can be created in Python, PowerShell, or JavaScript on the Scripts page. To use a field trigger script, you need to add the field-change-triggered tag when creating the script. You can then add the script in the Attributes tab, when you edit or create an incident field. If you did not add the tag when creating the script, it cannot be selected, until you add the tag.

Cortex XSOAR comes out-of-the-box with field change scripts in the Scripts page, such as:

  • ChangeRemediationSLAOnSevChange: Changes the remediation SLA once a change in incident severity occurs.

  • emailFieldTriggered: Sends an email to the incident owner when the selected field is triggered.

  • StopTimeToAssignOnOwnerChange: Stops the Time to Assignment SLA field, as soon as an owner was assigned to an incident.

A common use case is to create a script that only allows automated changes by a playbook not manual changes by a user.

args = demisto.args()
user = args["user"]
if user:
    demisto.executeCommand("setIncident", {args["cliName"]: args["old"]})

The script checks who made the change using the user field. The cliName argument returns the field name, so that it can be attached to multiple incident fields, and block changes to them, without the need to have a different script for each field.

If you want the script to change the incident name field and context data, run the following command:

execute_command("setIncident", {"name": incident_name, "id": incident_id})

See the following video about how to create and add scripts to an incident layout:

Incident field trigger scripts have the following triggered field information available as arguments (args):




Whether the field is associated with all or some incidents.

Value: true or false.


An array of the incident types, with which the field is associated.


The name of the field when called from the command line.


The description of the field.


Specifies whether the field is non-editable.

Value: true or false.


The name of the field.


The new value of the field.


The old value of the field.


Specifies that only the creator of the field can edit.

Value: true or false.


The placeholder text.


Specifies whether this is a mandatory field.

Value: true or false.


If this is a multi-select type field, these are the values the field can take.


Whether it is a Cortex XSOAR defined field.


The field type.


Whether it is not mapped to any incident.


Whether it is being used for tracking KPI on an incident page.


The username of the user who triggered the script.


Whether there is a regex associated for validation the values the field can hold.

Script limitations
  • Trigger scripts can't close incidents.

  • Post-processing scripts can modify an incident, but if a modified field has a trigger script, it is not called.

  • Incident modifications executed within a trigger script are only saved to the database after the modifications are completed.

Best practices
  • Fields that can hold a list (related incidents, multi-select/tag/role type custom fields) will provide an array of the delta. For example, if a multi-select field value has changed from ["a"] to ["a", "b"], the new argument of the script will get a value of ["b"].

  • Incident field trigger scripts run as a batch. This means that if multiple incidents are changed in the same way and are set to trigger the same action, it will happen in one batch.

  • When writing incident field trigger scripts, avoid scenarios that call the scripts endlessly (for example, a change in field A triggers script X, which changes field B's value, which in turn calls script Y, which changes field A's value).

After creating an incident field trigger script in the Scripts page in Python, PowerShell, or JavaScript, you can then associate it with an incident field.

  1. Go to Settings & InfoSettingsIndicatorsFields.

  2. Select the incident field and click Edit.

  3. In the Attributes tab, under Script to run when field value changes, select the desired indicator field trigger script.


    Incident field trigger scripts must have the field-change-triggered tag to appear in the list.

  1. Go to Settings & InfoSettingsObject SetupIncidentIncident Fields.

  2. Click New and create a new Incident field of one of the following types:

    • Single select

    • Multi-select

  3. Click Basic Settings and in the Values section set the values you want to see in the incident layout dropdown list for this field.

    For example, instance1_id,instance2_id,instance3_id,instance4_id,instance^,id.

  4. Click Attributes and in Script to run when field value changes, select the script.

    Example 3. 

    This is an example of a single select script.

    # The custom mapping made for the field
    mapping_dict = {
    	'instance1_id' : '123456',
    	'instance2_id' : '12340987',
    	'instance3_id' : '79874534',
    	'instance4_id' : '90927834',
    	'instance5_id' : '4543452',
    val = demisto.args()['new'] # when the script will be triggered this field will hold the new value chosen by the user.
    mapped_val = mapping_dict.get(val, val)  # getting the value from the map.
    execute_command('setIncident', {'customFields' :{'Single_select_field_example': mapped_val}}) # set the new incident mapped field

    Example 4. 

    This is an example of a multi-select script.

    mapping_dict = {    
    	'low' : '1',
    	'medium' : '2',
    	'high' : '3',
    	'critical' : '4',
    vals = argToList(demisto.args()['new']) # The new value from the user.
    mapped_list = [mapping_dict.get(v, v) for v in vals]
    execute_command('setIncident', {'customFields' : {'multi_select_field_example': mapped_list}})


    • When creating the script, in the Tags section, type field-change-triggered.

    • Choose the name of your custom fields to replace ‘Single_select_field_example’ or ‘multi_select_field_example’ in the examples above.

  5. Go to Settings & InfoSettingsObject SetupIncidentsLayouts and add the new incident field to an existing layout or create a new layout.

  6. In the incident layout edit page, click Fields and Buttons and drag the new incident field you created to the layout.

  7. Save the version.

    In the layout display, you will see the values you set in step 3.

  8. Select one of the values. The layout will update with the mapped value as set on the script related to the incident field.

You can use scripts to manipulate and populate data in the Grid field. In this example, you want analysts who can add comments for the incident during their shift and use a script to automatically populate the Date Logged column with the current date when a user adds a new row to the grid.

  1. Create a script called ShiftSummariesChange. The script operates in the following phases:

    • The script gets all new rows and sets the Date Logged field to now (current day).

    • For each existing row, if the name matches, and the findings column is not updated, the Date Logged column is also updated.

    • After creating a grid field, it is saved with the new values using the setIncident command.

      var newField = ? JSON.parse(  : [];
      //if line(s) added, set "datelogged" to now.
      if (oldField.length < newField.length) {
          // for each new line change date.    
          for(var i=oldField.length; i < newField.length; i++) {
              newField[i].datelogged = new Date ().toISOString();
      var columnName = "findings";
      // for each old line if the "columnName" has changed, change date to now.
      for(var i=0; i < oldField.length; i++) {
          if (newField[i] && oldField[i].fullname === newField[i].fullname &&
          oldField[i][columnName] !== newField[i][columnName]) {
              newField[i].datelogged = new Date().toISOString();
      var newVal = {};
      newVal[args.cliName] = newField;
      executeCommand("setIncident", newVal);
  2. Add the field-change-triggered tag and save the script.

  3. Create a Shift Summaries Grid field with the following columns:

    • Full name

    • Findings

    • Status

    • Date Logged

      Select Date picker with the Lock checkbox, so the script can populate the values for that column. If a column is unlocked (default), the column values can be entered manually (by users), or by a script.


    Ensure that User can add rows is selected.

  4. Add the grid field to a layout, which is attached to an incident type.

Add a row to a grid

During playbook execution, if a malicious finding is discovered you may want to add that finding to a grid. You can use a script in the playbook to add a new row to the grid with the malicious finding.

This is a Python script, which requires two arguments:

  • fieldCliName: The machine name for the field for which you want to add a new row.

  • Row: The new row to add the grid. This is a JSON object in lowercase characters, with no white space.

fieldCliName = demisto.args().get('field')
currentValue = demisto.incidents()[0]["CustomFields"][fieldCliName];

if currentValue is None:
    currentValue = [json.loads(demisto.args().get('row'))]

val = json.dumps({ fieldCliName: currentValue })
demisto.results(demisto.executeCommand("setIncident", { 'customFields': val }))

You can create scripts that perform specific actions when the SLA is breached in an incident field. For example, you can use the SendEmailOnSLABreach script that sends an email to specific users when the script is triggered. For more information, see Automate changes to incident fields using SLA scripts.