Saved By Dbot (ROI) Widget - Administrator Guide - 8 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Cloud Documentation

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Customize the Saved by Dbot widget that calculates the amount saved by Cortex XSOAR. Return on Investment (ROI) widget.

In the Dashboard, Incidents tab, Cortex XSOAR comes with a number of pre-installed widgets, such as Saved by DBot (ROI) Widget.

The Saved by Dbot widget calculates the amount saved in US dollars according to actions carried out by all users in Cortex XSOAR across all incidents.

Although the widget comes out-of-the-box with Cortex XSOAR, you can add the Return on Investment (ROI) widget in the Widgets Library, which is identical to the Saved by Dbot (ROI) Widget.


The widget is disabled by default, as enabling it may affect performance when running large amounts of automations. To enable the widget, contact Customer Support.

The following parameters are used to calculate the amount saved by Dbot (ROI):



Man Hour

The amount in dollars of each hour for an analyst.


The time it takes in minutes to run an integration task with any of the integrated products. This can be a command within a script or inside the War Room.


The times it takes to write an incident report.


The time it takes to undertake an action that a script would do.

The ROI is calculated as follows:

(# of times roundtrip completed * time taken to do roundtrip) + (# of times report generated * time taken to generate report) + (# of times script runs * time taken to run script)] * cost of 1 Man hour in dollars.

The time to run an integration task with any integrated product, the time to generate a report, and the time to run an automated action are set to 5 minutes.

'Number of times' is how many times an automated procedure has run since Cortex XSOAR was first used. The Saved by dBOT widget is based on absolute time and does not support date ranges.

You can change the way ROI is calculated based on your own statistics of time taken to perform the tasks for the actions when done manually. To change the statistics, select Settings & InfoSettingsSystemServer SettingsServer Configuration+ Add Server Configuration and add the following :




Amount in Dollars. Default: 60

You can also change the currency symbol from US dollars to a currency of your choice.

Customize the currency symbol in the saved by Dbot (ROI) Widget

The default currency symbol in the Saved by Dbot widget is the Dollar sign ($). To change the currency symbol, you need to create a widget using a JSON file. For more details, see create a widget using a JSON file.

In this example, which you can use as a template, we changed the value for the currencySign argument to Euro (€).

   "name":"Return On Investment (ROI)",
   "prevName":"Return On Investment (ROI)",