Exclude indicators from enrichment - Threat Intel Management Guide - Administrator Guide - 8 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Cloud Documentation

Cortex XSOAR
Creation date
Last date published
Administrator Guide

Extract and save indicators but do not enrich them.

You can disable enrichment for individual indicators or disable enrichment for all indicators fetched by any of the following feeds:

  • Azure Feed

  • Office 365 Feed

  • Cisco WebEx Feed

  • Cloudflare Feed

  • Fastly Feed

  • AWS Feed

  • Zoom Feed

  • Public DNS Feed

  • Google IP Ranges Feed

If you disable enrichment for an incoming feed, the indicators are extracted and saved but not enriched by Cortex XSOAR, enabling you to conserve system resources when dealing with known indicators.

When an indicator has enrichment excluded, the Enrich Indicator button is disabled. If you try to enrich an indicator that is enrichment excluded, an error will occur.

Indicators of the following indicator types can have enrichment excluded:

  • IP

  • Domain

  • Email

  • URL

  • File

Exclude enrichment for a feed integration

To exclude enrichment for indicators fetched from a feed integration, when configuring an instance of the feed integration, select the Enrichment Excluded checkbox.

Exclude enrichment for individual indicators

When creating or editing an indicator of one of the following types: IP, Domain, Email, URL, or File, you have the option to set Enrichment Excluded to Yes or No. The default is No.

View list of enrichment excluded indicators
  1. (Optional) In the indicators table, add the Enrichment Excluded column.

  2. To view only enrichment excluded indicators in the table, filter by enrichmentExcluded:T.