Search - Reference Guide - Cortex XSIAM - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSIAM XQL Language Reference

Cortex XSIAM
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Reference Guide

Learn more about the Cortex Query Language search stage that searches for free-text strings.


search "<free_text1>"[,"<free_text2>", ...]


The search stage searches for free text strings in the datasets that are stored in your Cortex XSIAM tenant. Consider the following information:

  • search should be the first stage in the query. Only the config stage can precede search.

  • You can refine the search to specify datasets.

    Only datasets are supported. You can't refine by preset or search the Cortex Data Model (XDM) schema.


    • If you do not specify a dataset in the query, Cortex XSIAM searches all of the existing datasets on your tenant.

    • Free text search searches the relevant columns in each dataset. Relevant columns are subject to a change and can vary between datasets.

  • Queries containing search do not support the bin, comp, top, or dedup stages.

  • Queries using the search stage are limited to the last 90 days of data. Specifying a timeframe outside of this limitation will cause the query to fail.


Returns instances of "MacOs" in the endpoints dataset.

search "MacOs" dataset = endpoints

Returns instances of "MacOs" or "failed" in the endpoints and agent_auditing datasets.

search “MacOs”,“failed” dataset in (endpoints, agent_auditing)