Install the Phishing Campaign Content Pack - Tutorials - 6.x - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR 6.x Tutorials

Cortex XSOAR
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We want to detect whether a phishing incident is part of a phishing campaign. Go to the Marketplace page and Install the Phishing Campaign content pack to find, create, and manage phishing campaigns. The Phishing Campaign content pack provides useful information such as an aggregation of all the indicators from all emails, the number of senders and recipients, the analysts investigating the different incidents, etc. When phishing incidents are similar to each other, Cortex XSOAR detects and creates the links between them, and adds them to a Phishing Campaign incident. This enables you to view and take action on the campaign as a whole (such as informing the recipients about the campaign, or linking, unlinking, closing and reopening the related incidents), rather than spend time investigating each incident separately.
