General filters
Filter | Description |
Contains | Tests whether the value on the left is contained in the value on the right. Can be used for any kind of object (not limited to a string). |
Doesn't Contain | Tests whether the value on the left is NOT contained in the value on the right. Can be used for any kind of object (not limited to a string). |
Has length of | Tests whether a list specified on the left has the number of items specified on the right. |
In | Tests whether the value on the left is contained in the object on the right. |
Is defined | Tests whether a key on the left exists in context. Note
Is empty | Tests whether the value of a key is empty. |
Is not empty | Tests whether the value of a key is NOT empty. |
Not defined | Tests whether a key on the left does NOT exist in context. Note
Not in | Tests whether the value on the left is NOT contained in the object on the right. |
String filters
Filter | Description |
Doesn't end with | Tests whether the string on the left is NOT the end of the string on the right. |
Doesn't equal | Tests whether the strings are NOT the same. |
Doesn't include | Tests whether the string on the right is NOT a substring of the string on the left. |
Doesn't start with | Tests whether the string on the right is NOT the beginning of the string on the left. |
Ends with | Tests whether the string on the left is the end of the string on the right. |
Equals | Tests whether the strings are the same. |
Has length | Tests whether the two strings have the same length. |
In list | Tests whether the string on the left is in the list on the right. |
Includes | Tests whether the string on the right is a substring of the string on the left. |
Matches - regex | Tests whether the string on the left matches the regex on the right. Uses Go-style regex. |
Not in list | Tests whether the string on the left is NOT a substring of the string on the right. |
Starts with | Tests whether the string on the right is the beginning of the string on the left. |
StringContainsArray | Tests whether a substring or an array of substrings on the left is within a string array on the right. Supports single strings as well. For example, for substrings ['a', 'b', 'c'] in string 'a' the script returns true. |
Number filters
Filter | Description |
Doesn't equal | Tests whether the number on the left does NOT equal the number on the right. |
Equals | Tests whether the number on the left equals the number on the right. |
Greater or equal | Tests whether the number on the left is greater than or equal to the number on the right. |
Greater than | Tests whether the number on the left is greater than the number on the right. |
InRange | Tests whether the number on the left is within a range specified on the right. For example, if the left value is 4, and the range on the right is 1,8, the condition is true. |
Less or equal | Tests whether the number on the left is less than or equal to the number on the right. |
Less than | Tests whether the number on the left is less than the number on the right. |
Date filters
Filter | Description |
After | Tests whether the date on the left is after the date on the right. |
AfterRelativeDate | Tests whether the date on the left occurred after the provided relative time (such as '6 months ago') on the right. Returns True or False. |
Before | Tests whether the date on the left is before the date on the right. |
Same as | Tests whether the two dates are the same. |
Boolean filters
Filter | Description |
Is false | Tests whether the value on the left evaluates to false. |
Is true | Tests whether the value on the left evaluates to true. |
Other filters
Filter | Description |
CheckIfSubdomain | Tests whether the value on the left is a subdomain of the value on the right. |
CIDRBiggerThanPrefix | Tests whether the CIDR prefix on the left is bigger than the defined maximum prefix on the right. |
GreaterCidrNumAddresses | Tests whether the number of available addresses in IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR on the right is greater than the input given on the left. |
IsInCidrRanges | Tests whether the IPv4 address on the left is contained in at least one of the comma-delimited CIDR ranges on the right. Multiple IPv4 addresses can be passed in a comma-delimited list and each address is tested. |
IsNotInCidrRanges | Tests whether the IPv4 address on the left is NOT contained in at least one of the comma-delimited CIDR ranges on the right. Multiple IPv4 addresses can be passed in a comma-delimited list and each address is tested. |
IsRFC1918Address | Tests whether an IPv4 address on the left is in the private RFC-1918 address space (,, on the right. |
LowerCidrNumAddresses | Tests whether the number of available addresses in IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR on the right is less than the input given on the left. |