Assign one or more tags to one or more endpoints.
Required license: Cortex XDR Prevent or Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint
An array of filter fields.
fieldString (Enum)
String that identifies the field the filter is matching. Filters are based on the following keywords:
- endpoint_id_list
: List of endpoint IDs.
- last_seen
: When an endpoint was last seen.
- first_seen
: When an endpoint was first seen.
- dist_name
: Distribution / Installation Package name.
- ip_list
: List of IP addresses.
- platform
: Platform name.
- alias
: Alias name.
- hostname
: Hostname.
- isolate
: If the endpoint was isolated.
- username
: Name of user.
- scan_status
: Status of the scan.
- group_name
: Group name the agent belongs to.
- endpoint_status
: Status of the endpoint ID.
- operational_status
: Operational status.
- public_ip_list
: List of public IP addresses.
operatorString (Enum)
String that identifies the comparison operator you want to use for this filter. Valid keywords and values are:
- endpoint_id_list
, dist_name
, group_name
, alias
, hostname
, username
, operational_status
: List of strings.
- endpoint_status
: Permitted values are connected
, lost
, disconnected
, uninstalled
- ip_list
, public_ip_list
: List of strings, for example "".
- platform
: Permitted values are windows
, linux
, macos
, android
, ios
- isolate
: Permitted values are isolated
or unisolated
- scan_status
: Permitted values are none
, pending
, in_progress
, canceled
, aborted
, pending_cancellation
, success
, or error
- operational_status
: Permitted values are protected
, partially_protected
, unprotected
/ lte
- first_seen
and last_seen
: Integer in timestamp epoch milliseconds.
valueArray string integer
Value that this filter must match. The contents of this field will differ depending on the endpoint field that you specified for this filter:
- endpoint_id_list
, dist_name
, group_name
, alias
, hostname
, username
, operational_status
: List of strings.
- endpoint_status
: Must contain only the following valid values: connected
, disconnected
, lost
, or uninstalled
- operational_status
: Must contain only the following valid values: protected
, partially_protected
, unprotected
- ip_list
, public_ip_list
: String list of IP addresses.
- platform
: Must contain only the following valid values: windows
, linux
, macos
, android
, or ios
- isolate
: Must contain only the following valid values: isolated
or unisolated
- scan_status
: Must contain only the following valid values: none
, pending
, in_progress
, canceled
, aborted
, pending_cancellation
, success
, or error
- first_seen
and last_seen
: Integer in timestamp epoch milliseconds.
The tag you want to assign.
"request_data": {
"filters": [
"field": "endpoint_id_list",
"operator": "in",
"value": [
"tag": "<tag_name>"
curl -X 'POST'
'Accept: application/json'
'Content-Type: application/json'