Reverse the isolation of one or more endpoints in single request.
Note: You can only send a request with either endpoint_id
to unisolate one endpoint or with filters to unisolate more than one endpoint. An error is raised if you try to use both endpoint_id
and the filters.
Required license: Cortex XDR Prevent or Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint
A dictionary containing the API request fields.
An array of filter fields for unisolating a number of endpoints at once. Note: This field is only required if unisolating more than one endpoint.
fieldObject (Enum)
String that identifies a list the filters match. Filters are based on the following keywords:
- endpoint_id_list
: List of endpoint IDs.
operatorObject (Enum)
String that identifies the comparison operator you want to use for this filter. Valid keywords and values are:
- endpoint_id_list
: List of strings
Value that this filter must match. Valid keywords:
- endpoint_id_list
: List of strings
The ID of the endpoint to unisolate.
Note: this field is only required if unisolating one endpoint.
Incident ID. When included in the request, the Unisolate Endpoints action will appear in the Cortex XDR Incident View Timeline tab.
"request_data": {
"endpoint_id": "<endpoint ID>"
curl -X 'POST'
'Accept: application/json'
'Content-Type: application/json'