Gets a list of device control violations filtered by selected fields. You can retrieve up to 100 violations.
When filtering by multiple fields: - Response is concatenated using AND condition (OR is not supported). - Maximum result set size is 100. - Offset is the zero-based number of incidents from the start of the result set.
Required license: Cortex XDR Prevent or Cortex XDR Pro per Endpoint
An empty object returns all results.
Provides an array of filter fields.
fieldString (Enum)
String that identifies the violation field the filter is matching. Filters are based on the following keywords:
- endpoint_id_list
: List of endpoint IDs.
- type
: Type of violation.
- timestamp
: Timestamp of the violation.
- ip_list
: List of IP addresses.
- vendor
: Name of vendor.
- vendor_id
: Vendor ID.
- product
: Name of product.
- product_id
: Product ID.
- serial
: Serial number.
- hostname
: Hostname.
- violation_id_list
: List of violation IDs.
- username
: Username.
operatorString (Enum)
String that identifies the comparison operator you want to use for this filter. Valid keywords are:
— Permitted for all fields except timestamp
/ lte
— Permitted only for timestamp
valueArray integer string
Value that this filter must match. The contents of this field will differ depending on the violation field that you specified for this filter:
- timestamp
: Integer, in UTC timezone epoch milliseconds
- violation_id_list
: List of integers
- ip_list
: Must contain an IP string
- type
: Must be either cd-rom
, disk drive
, floppy disk
, portable device
- All other fields need to be list of strings.
Integer representing the starting offset within the query result set from which you want violations returned. Violations are returned as a zero-based list. Any violation indexed less than this value is not returned in the final result set and defaults to zero.
An integer representing the end of offset within the result set after which you do not want violations returned. Violations in the violation list that are indexed higher than this value are not returned in the final results set. Defaults to zero, which returns all alerts to the end of the list.
Identifies the sort order for the result set.
fieldString (Enum)
The field you want to sort by.
valueString (Enum)
Can be either asc
(ascending) or desc
"request_data": {}
curl -X 'POST'
'Accept: application/json'
'Content-Type: application/json'