Use list commands in the War Room, Playground, playbooks, and scripts.
Use the following list commands in the CLI in the War Room and Playground, scripts, and playbook tasks:
Command | Description | Arguments |
getList | Retrieves the contents of the specified list. | listName: The name of the list for which to retrieve the contents. |
createList | Creates a list with the supplied data. |
addToList | Appends the supplied items to the specified list. If you add multiple items, make sure you use the same list separator that the list currently uses, for example, a comma or a semicolon. |
setList | Adds the supplied data to the specified list and overwrites existing list data. |
removeFromList | Removes a single item from the specified list. |
In this example, a manageOOOusers script uses the getList
, createList
, and setList
register_module_line('ManageOOOusers', 'start', __line__()) def _get_current_user(): current_username = demisto.executeCommand("getUsers", {"current": True}) if isError(current_username): demisto.debug(f"failed to get current username - {get_error(current_username)}") return else: return current_username[0]["Contents"][0]['username'] def main(): # get current time now = # args list_name = demisto.getArg("listname") username = demisto.getArg("username") option = demisto.getArg("option") days_off = now + timedelta(days=int(demisto.getArg("daysoff"))) off_until = days_off.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # update list name to start with 'OOO', so we can't overwrite other lists with this if not list_name.startswith("OOO"): list_name = f"OOO {list_name}" current_user = _get_current_user() if not current_user and not username: return_error('Failed to get current user. Please set the username argument in the script.') if not username: # Current user was found, running script on it. username = current_user else: # check if provided username is a valid user users = demisto.executeCommand("getUsers", {}) if isError(users): return_error(f'Failed to get users: {str(get_error(users))}') users = users[0]['Contents'] users = [x['username'] for x in users] if username not in users: return_error(message=f"{username} is not a valid user") # get the out of office list, check if the list exists, if not create it: ooo_list = demisto.executeCommand("getList", {"listName": list_name})[0]["Contents"] if isError(ooo_list): return_error(f'Failed to get users out of office: {str(get_error(ooo_list))}') if "Item not found" in ooo_list: demisto.results(demisto.executeCommand("createList", {"listName": list_name, "listData": []})) ooo_list = demisto.executeCommand("getList", {"listName": list_name})[0]["Contents"] # check status of the list, and add/remove the user from it. if not ooo_list: list_data = [] else: list_data = json.loads(ooo_list) if option == "add": # check if user is already in the list, and remove, to allow updating list_data = [i for i in list_data if not (i['user'] == username)] list_data.append({"user": username, "offuntil": off_until, "addedby": current_user if current_user else 'DBot'}) else: # remove the user from the list. list_data = [i for i in list_data if not (i['user'] == username)] set_list_res = demisto.executeCommand("setList", {"listName": list_name, "listData": json.dumps(list_data)}) if isError(set_list_res): return_error(f'Failed to update the list {list_name}: {str(get_error(set_list_res))}') # welcome back, or see ya later! if option == "add": demisto.results(f"Vacation mode engaged until {off_until}, enjoy the time off {username}") else: demisto.results(f"Welcome back {username}, it's like you never left!") if __name__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins', '__main__'): main() register_module_line('ManageOOOusers', 'end', __line__())