Owned responsive IPs provide a single IP reference point when an active service is detected on an IPv4 or IPv6 range that has been attributed to an organization.
An Owned Responsive IP is a construct created by Cortex Xpanse to provide a single IP reference point when an active service is detected on an IP range that has been attributed to an organization. Owned responsive IPs provide a link back to their associated IPv4 or IPv6 range.
Navigate to Unified Inventory table.
→ to view the complete list of certificates discovered by Cortex Xpanse. Owned responsive IPs are also included in theClick on a row in the Owned Responsive IPs table to display details, including asset attribution evidence, related services, and ASN information, in the details pane on the right.
Refer to the Unified Inventory section for descriptions of all the fields displayed in the Owned Responsive IPs list view.