Convert Existing Content to Content Pack Format - Administrator Guide - 6.9 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Administrator Guide

Convert content to content pack format when upgrading from a version earlier than Cortex XSOAR 6.0.

When you upgrade from a version earlier than Cortex XSOAR v6.0, all existing content (out-of-the-box and custom content) is migrated to the new environment,.

You can continue to use the content without converting to content pack format, but you will not receive content updates. Content updates are only applied to content packs. In cases where your existing content now requires a subscription (payment), you will not have to pay to convert the content to content pack format. You will only have to pay for newly subscribed content.

You can convert out-of-the-box content separately to content pack format by installing content packs directly from the Marketplace. When you install a content pack, it updates the content to pack format, but retains all configured settings.

Before you convert content, ensure that Cortex XSOAR successfully communicates with Marketplace services. For more information, see Required URLs.


To migrate content offline, follow the procedure in Install a Content Pack Offline.

Content Conversion Example

In this example, we have an existing Okta integration with a defined instance, but it is not in a content pack format.


In the Marketplace, the Okta content pack includes the okta integration (not yet installed in the Marketplace).


After installing the Okta content pack in the Marketplace, the Okta integration overrides the existing integration (the content pack is Okta).


You can also check that the content pack is installed in the Marketplace.
