Docker Image Security - Administrator Guide - Cortex XSIAM - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSIAM Administrator Guide

Cortex XSIAM
Creation date
Last date published
Administrator Guide

Information about Cortex XSIAM Docker image security practices.

The build process for Cortex XSIAM Docker images are fully open source and available for review. The project contains the source Docker files used to build the images and the accompanying files. Cortex XSIAM uses only the secure Docker Hub registry for its Docker images. You can view the Docker trust information for each image at the image info branch.



  • We automatically update our open source Docker images and their accompanying dependencies (OS and Python). Examples of automatic updates can be viewed on GitHub.

  • We maintain Docker image information which includes information on Python packages, OS packages and image metadata for all our Docker images. Data image information is updated nightly.

  • All of our images are continuously scanned using Prisma Cloud and an additional third-party scanner. We evaluate all critical/high findings and actively work to prevent and mitigate security vulnerabilities.

  • Cortex XSIAM ensures container images are fully patched and do not contain unnecessary packages. Patches and dependencies are applied automatically via our open source docker files build project.