Using the Unified Asset Inventory page - Administrator Guide - Cortex XSIAM - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSIAM Administrator Guide

Cortex XSIAM
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Administrator Guide

The Unified Asset Inventory page displays all aggregated assets according to their data source(s).

To view the Unified Asset Inventory page, select AssetsAsset Inventory.

The Unified Asset Inventory page displays all aggregated assets according to their data source(s), where you can:

  • Click the aggregated asset itself for more detailed information via the side panel that appears.

  • Click on the expand icon of a given asset to see the data source(s) that contribute to a single asset.

  • Click each data source for more information via the side panel that appears.

Filtering assets

Click the filter icon to narrow results and search for specific assets.

By default the filter is set to Source: XSIAM, to filter based on the attributes in the aggregated asset.

To search based on data received from a specific source within an aggregated asset, filter by the specific data source. For example, select the source Cortex XDR Agent to filter based on the asset data provided by the XSIAM agent.

In all cases, a list of aggregated assets that match the filter is displayed.

The following is a list of the fields displayed on the Unified Asset Inventory page. The assets shown and their data depend on your licensing and add-ons.



Data sources

Data sources that are attributed to an asset.


Displays the name that describes the asset.

Cloud provider

The cloud provider that hosts cloud assets, such as GCP, AWS, or Azure.


Asset types given by each cloud vendor are normalized into this field.


Grouping of assets according to industry standards. For example, Compute, Network, and Storage.

Cloud ID

Displays the Resource ID as provided by the cloud provider.

Cloud GEO region

The normalized value indicates the geographic region, such as North America or the Middle East.

Cloud region

The normalized value of the region.

Cloud zone

Identifies the normalized zones within which cloud resources are deployed.

Cloud project

Displays the project name associated with the respective Cloud provider:

  • AWS: Account

  • GCP: Project

  • Microsoft Azure: Subscription

Cloud project ID

Displays the associated project ID as provided by the Cloud provider.

Cloud project hierarchy

Organizational structure of cloud projects. Shows the hierarchy of ownership with the cloud vendor.

Operating system family

The operating system of the asset. For example, for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019, Windows will be listed as the operating system family.

Operating system

The operating system of the device.

Source tags

The collection of tags that are associated with the asset in each source e.g. cloud tags.

Activity status

Activity status can be live unseen or deleted.

Agent identifier

The ID of the endpoint protection agent installed on the asset.

Agent exists

If there is an endpoint protection agent.

Is externally accessible

Specifies whether the asset is accessible externally.

Vulnerability score

Based on CVEs with the highest severity.


The CVEs as reported by data sources.

IPV4 addresses

IPV4 addresses belonging to the asset.

MAC addresses

MAC Addresses belonging to the asset.

IPV4 public addresses

IPV4 public addresses belonging to the asset.

IPV6 addresses

IPV6 addresses belonging to the asset.

Has active external services

Indicates whether a system or network has active services accessible from external networks.

Active external service types

Specifies the types or categories of services running and accessible from external networks.

First seen

Timestamp of when the asset was first seen by the source that reported it.

Last seen

Timestamp of when the asset was last seen by the source that reported it.

Certificate details formatted issuer org

The issuing organization of the certificate.

Certificate algorithm

Specifies the cryptographic algorithm used for generating digital signatures within the certificate.

Certificate classifications

Certificate classifications categorize digital certificates based on their attributes.

Domain resolves

Whether or not a domain name successfully resolves to an IP address.

Device category

The classification or type of device within a network infrastructure.

Device model

The specific model or version of a device within a network infrastructure.