External Data Ingestion Vendor Support - Administrator Guide - Cortex XDR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XDR Pro Administrator Guide

Cortex XDR
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Administrator Guide

To augment your Cortex XDR data, you can set up Cortex XDR to ingest data from a variety of external third-party sources.


Ingestion of logs and data requires a Cortex XDR Pro per GB license.

To provide you with a more complete and detailed picture of the activity involved in an incident, you can ingest data from a variety of external, third-party sources into Cortex XDR.

Cortex XDR can receive logs, or both logs and alerts, from the source. Depending on the data source, Cortex XDR can provide visibility into your external data in the form of:

  • Log stitching with other logs in order to create network or authentication stories.

  • Raw data in queries from XQL Search.

  • Alerts reported by the vendor throughout Cortex XDR, such as in the alerts table, incidents, and views.

  • Alerts raised by Cortex XDR on log data, such as analytics alerts.

To ingest data, you must set up the Syslog Collector applet on a Broker VM within your network.

The following table summarizes the vendor data that can be ingested, according to log or data type.

Log/Data Type

Vendor Support

Network Connections

Authentication Services/Audit Logs

Operation and System Logs from Cloud Providers

Endpoint Logs

Cloud Assets

Custom External Sources