System Diagnostics - Administrator Guide - 6.10 - Cortex XSOAR - Cortex - Security Operations

Cortex XSOAR Administrator Guide

Cortex XSOAR
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Last date published
Administrator Guide

Find and fix system performance issues in Cortex XSOAR. System health, system monitoring.

The System Diagnostics page enables you to monitor and improve system performance and resilience. On the System Diagnostics page, you can view CPU and memory usage, the status of the Podman tool or Docker service, unusually large tasks, storage issues, etc. In some cases, the issue can be corrected within the System Diagnostics page. For issues that require more in depth troubleshooting, you can click through to a Knowledge Base article with more information and solutions. System Diagnostics thresholds can be customized.

You can view the System Diagnostics page at SettingsAboutSystem Diagnostics.

A daily email is sent by default to all site administrators, notifying them of possible issues. If there are no issues, no email is sent. The following server configurations enable you to disable or modify email notifications.




Default is true. False disables all system diagnostics email notifications.


Default is true. False disables notifications when status is at risk.

Default is true. False disables notifications to default administrators.

Default is "Administrator". Can be empty (no roles), or a list: "Role1, Role2, Role3." Will notify all users in the roles provided. If empty (no roles), default administrators will still receive notifications.

Default is 12. Format is HH. The hour of the day to send the notification email (server time).

(Multi-Tenant) To view System Diagnostics for hosts in a multi-tenant environment, go to SettingsAccount ManagementHosts in the main host account. Each host has a Diagnostics page. You can also view information about CPU, Storage, and Memory usage for each tenant account on the host.

You can also use the getSystemDiagnostics command to create a JSON output of this data. If you have an open support ticket related to system performance, you can attach the output of this command to the ticket to provide Cortex XSOAR Customer Support with relevant information. Use the associated verbose argument to return additional information, for example, the specific IDs of incidents that have big context data.